Well You can't. Switching from one device to another usually creates a verification request.
But Yahh..there are few methods to make it possible....Lets have a look.
Yes! This can be done in this ways,
The first method is pretty easy, here it goes
1. Install Whatsapp on your first device and make sure you
have finished all the setups.
3. In your chrome, browse to WhatsApp Web and follow the
instructions to get connected.
4. After establishment of connection, click on options and
enable the notification.
5. Chrome will prompt with confirmation of notification,
click accept
6. Done!! You will receive notification when messages
Coming to second method which is tricky and bit difficult,
but you can try this
MAC Spoofing
1. First, uninstall the whatsapp on both devices(Consider
device1 and device2)
2. Find out the MAC address of the device1 - on android go
to Settings-> About phone-> Status-> Wi-Fi MAC address... Note down
the MAC address(it looks like XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX)
3. On your device2, install Terminal App from playstore.
4. Now we need to change(Spoof) the MAC address of device2
to MAC address of device1( i.e replacing)
5. Open the Terminal App on device2, type the following
command ip link show
This will provide a list of a bunch of different interfaces.
Find the one that has the MAC address,
it is the last one called eth0. (we will use eth0 as interface).
Now type, ip link set eth0 address XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
ip link set
eth0 broadcast XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
here, eth0 is the interface and XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX is the MAC
address of device1.
6. To cross check change in MAC address type
ip link show
7. Now, install whatsapp on both devices
8. Enter the same number on both devices, wait for the
verification code. Enter the varification code on both devices.
Method 3
OGWhatsapp is modern version of WhatsApp messenger for Android phones which is used to have 2 WhatsApp account in one place. You can search for the app from the Apple Play Store as it doesn’t require any root and you can install it in Windows and other smartphone too.
1. Before installing OGWhatsapp, make sure you have taken backup of all your WhatsApp messages
2. Clear entire WhatsApp data, go to Setting –> Apps –> WhatsApp –> Clear Data
3. Rename WhatsApp folder as OGWhatsapp, go to /sdcard/Whatsapp and rename it as /dscard/OGWhatsapp
4. Uninstall Whatsapp and install OGWhatsapp
5. The app will ask you for mobile number; give the same number registered with previous app that you have just uninstalled.
6. This way you will get one WhatsApp account with one number.
7. For another WhatsApp account, go to Play Store and download the app and register it with another number.
Method 4
OGWhtaspp method works 100% but still, I am giving you another method for being safe side. SwitchMeapp is another method through which you can access two WhatsApp account on same device.
Steps to be followed
1. Download Switchmeapp from official Play Store
2. Once install, open the app and create two profiles for using WhatsApp with two number.
3. To install secondary WhatsApp accounts.
In this way, you would be having two accounts, primary and secondary. The primary account would be your Administrator account while secondary account would be your another WhatsApp account.
From Switchmeapp, switch to secondary account and set you another mobile number that you are willing to use for your WhatsApp.
Open Play Store, search for the official WhatsApp app and download it
Install WhatsApp messenger and register it with another mobile number that you are willing to use.
There is also a app called Parell space apk. (Parell Space?)Hope one of above method will work for you..For any quries don't forget to comment.
Thank You..!!
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